Member Benefits
- Each member receives the communications of the KMMS that includes editorials, technical reports, explanations, lecture series, KMMS' news, and etc.
- Each member receives the journal of KMMS that includes the recent reviewed academic research papers.
- Each member has the opportunity to participate in conferences held during the spring and fall, and to all other sorts of academic events including seminars, workshops, tutorials, etc.
Only members can submit, publish, and present papers for and during the conferences.
- Each member also has the privilege of serving on specialized subcommittees.
- Each member can be recommended by KMMS when applying to contract research projects and research grants.
- Achievement awarded to members who have contributed significantly to the enhancement of Multimedia technology and industrial development
Membership Types and Qualifications
- Regular membership – for an individual who has received a bachelor's degree or an advanced degree majoring in multimedia related areas or who has been working for at least two years in a multimedia related field.
- Associate membership – for an individual who is currently studying in a multimedia related area or who is working in a multimedia related field.
- Honorary membership – for an individual who is highly erudite and virtuous and has contributed significantly to the enhancement of KMMS.
- Special membership – for a corporation or organization that has contributed to the enhancement of KMMS and who agrees with the objectives of the KMMS
※ Help & Contact
The Korea Multimedia Society
Tel : (051) 712-9601
E-mail :