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Submission Information

Journal of Korea Multimedia Society

Journal of Korea Multimedia Society ( ISSN 1229-7771(Print) / ISSN 2384-0102(Online) ) is official journal of Korea Multimedia Society and printed on acid-free papers. The articles in this journal are indexed in Korea Citation Index(KCI). “This journal was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies(KOFST) grant funded by the Korean Government(MOSF & MSIP)."

Aims & Scope
The aim of the Journal of Korea Multimedia Society(J Korea Multimed Soc, JKMMS) is to present the scientific theory and technological development in the multimedia field related multimedia communication and security, multimedia signal and image processing, multimedia system and database, multimedia contents and game, and multimedia information processing and IT Convergence. The article must contain original multimedia content, defined as development, theoretical analysis, and evaluation/validation of a new technique.
ISO Abbreviation of Journal Title
The official title of the journal is "Journal of Korea Multimedia Society(J Korea Multimed Soc)"
Year of Launching (History)
This journal was founded as "Journal of Korea Multimedia Society" on December 31, 1998, and been published to date.
Availability of the Full-text in the Web
The URL address of the journal is website (, where full text is available.
Fund Support
This journal was supported by the Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies, Grant funded by the Korean Government (MEST).
Subscription Information
The subscription of this journal is free for the members of the Korea Multimedia Society. To subscribe the print version of the journal, please contact manuscript editor. The pdf version of the articles can be accessed for free at website (,
ⓒ 2014 Korea Multimedia Society. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any from or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the written permission of the publisher.
Publication Office
- address : Room number 504, Byucksan e-centum class one Building, 99, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-050, Korea.
- Tel. +82-51-712-9601 / Fax. +82-51-712-9603 / E-mail:
- Manuscript Editor : Young-Ho Ahn
Frequency of Publication
The Journal of Korea Multimedia Society is monthly published on the last day of each month.
Bibliographical Indexes and Databases
The articles in this journal are indexed in Korea Citation Index (KCI).Ethical Guideline For the policies on the research and publication ethics not stated in this instructions, International standards for editors and authors ( can be applied.
Peer Review
Korea Multimedia Society employs a web-based manuscript submission (, and peer-review process system. The submitted manuscript are peer-reviewed by 3 reviewers and will be evaluated by editors. And your article will be notified with one of decisions : accepted, minor revision, major revision, resubmission, and rejected.
Publication Type
Journal of Korea Multimedia Society publishes the following types of papers: original articles and review articles.
Fee for Page Charge
Korea Multimedia Society charges the processing fee 50,000 KRW and 200,000 KRW for regular and express papers, respectively. The publication charges and bank information are following.
Address to Submit, Contact Info on Inquiry
- address : Room number 504, Byucksan e-centum class one Building, 99, Centum dong-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan, 612-050, Korea.
- Tel. +82-51-712-9601 / Fax. +82-51-712-9603 / E-mail:
- Manuscript Editor : Young-Ho Ahn
Free/Pages Regular Paper Express Paper
1 - 8p 150,000 KRW 300,000 KRW Additional Fee
9 - p 50,000 KRW per page 300,000 KRW Additional Fee
Acknowledgement for Support Agency 100,000 KRW Additional Fee

- Bank name : Kookmin Bank Inc., Republic of Korea
- Account holder : Korea Multimedia Society
- Account number : 563401-01-143400

Author's Check List
  1. Does the manuscript adhere to the style in the template? [cover: manuscript title, author name, author affiliations, field of article, corresponding author, acknowledgement, body: manuscript title, abstract, keyword, chapter headings, passages and paragraphs, figure and table, and references]
  2. Are the manuscript title, full names of all authors, author affiliations, contents of corresponding author(with address, phone number, Fax number, and email), and acknowledgement given in English?
  3. Are the affiliations of all authors indicated with the correct symbols? (Author affiliations shall be marked with * and **.)
  4. Are the abstract and keywords given in English?
  5. Are all symbols listed in the nomenclature with proper description?
  6. Are superscripts and subscripts contained within equations sufficiently distinguished?
  7. Are all figures containing abscissas and ordinates labeled with the correct symbols and units?
  8. Are figures and tables found in the body?
  9. Are the captions and contents of tables and figures in English?
  10. Are references quoted using “[reference number]”?
  11. Are all of references listed in English?
  12. Is the manuscript written according to Journal of Korea Multimedia Society document form, including the section on how to write references?